The hosts of “The Skeptic and the Scientist,” a comedic toned but serious in mission paranormal investigation show, get the rights to shoot at a reportedly haunted, soon to be demolished, historic pri…Read More
On July 22, 2014, Central Texas authorities retrieved a camera at an undisclosed compound in rural Texas. The following evidence was seized after its contents had proven to show the last known whereab…Read More
A social media influencer brings her friends to an Airbnb lake house to party. When an appetite stimulant is mistakenly dumped into the lake and the guests go for a dip, they emerge ravenous and insat…Read More
Akira Tanaka, a young and attractive but emotionally damaged Japanese woman, moves to the United States to escape a past marked by tragedy. She moves in with her sister, Hana, and her new husband, Ada…Read More
Dennis Rosen disappeared on September 19th, 2020, while filming an episode for his urban exploration channel. He was exploring Darkbluff, Maryland, a town that authorities found was abandoned during t…Read More