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grey alien

A fictional documentary about the creation of the world's first time machine, those who created it, and the unintended ramifications it has on world events.…Read More
A journalist in Barbados investigates a video that surfaced on social media claiming to show a giant, unidentified creature. Her story uncovers a multi-nation government conspiracy that will forever c…Read More
During the 2020 pandemic, a group of friends spend Halloween messing around with a Ouija Board over Zoom. But with the world online, making a connection has never been easier.…Read More
When an alien race invades and begins to brainwash humans to carry out acts of destruction, the rest of humanity must rely on an untested giant robot to save the Earth.…Read More
Let's face it, UFO visitation movies are fun to watch and spur the imagination. Nothing bolsters a UFO encounter movie more than filming the story as found footage—but why? The very notion that a film…Read More