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Found footage film where a group of college students take a road trip to an abandoned house and unintentionally drink infected water from a stream that turns them slowly insane and murderous - but thi…Read More
When a virologist becomes infected with a new, dangerous bacteria, he decides to quarantine himself in his home and fight to find a cure and reunite with his family.…Read More
“[REC]” is a 2007 found footage horror film from Spain. It is co-directed by Jaume Balagueró, Paco Plaza, with Balagueró and Plaza co-writing the screenplay with Luiso Berdejo. The film follows a TV n…Read More
Jacob Fitts, television host and survivalist, with his crew producer Adam Levine and cameraman Mason Riley set out to shoot another episode of their popular survival show, I Am Alone. Episode 413 take…Read More
Found Footage Critic recently sat down via Skype with writer/director/actor/indie horror auteur Michelle Nessk, who wrote, directed, and starred in the upcoming found footage horror film O. Unilateral…Read More