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by Decade

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A Los Angeles Police Officer was fired for the duplication and distribution of a violent home movie made by Marines after returning home from Afghanistan.…Read More
A group of amateur ghost hunters go missing as they journey into the bowels of an abandon Insane Asylum in a search for evidence of the 'Lady in White' said to haunt the grounds. The only evidence of …Read More
Members of a movie a production team are threatened by a vengeful entity.…Read More
On March 2, 2003 Crypto zoologist, Carter Wells and his brother, camera operator Justin Wells left home for the Widjigo Woods to film a documentary about a legendary creature who inhabited these woods…Read More
In the summer of 2009, Charlie Ruez made a documentary. 6 months later the footage was seized for evidence by the Metropolitan Police Department. In 2010, the footage was released.…Read More
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