




Lost Password

by Decade

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In an attempt to find a missing boy in the woods, an NBS news reporter and his cameraman embed themselves with a group of hunters before all goes awry.…Read More
After their friend goes missing, a young couple break into the house of a suspected serial killer and plant hidden cameras but when they attempt to retrieve the evidence they are trapped and are force…Read More
In 2008, a real-life mystery began to unfold when a real estate company (name withheld by request) discovered video footage shot in one of its vacant properties. The tapes were acquired by local docum…Read More
Five friends embark on a camping trip to sacred Native territory and are warned to stay away. When they choose to ignore the warning they are confronted with strange occurrences, seductive apparitions…Read More
Erin and sister Sarah travel to Japan to do interviews about global warming. However, on the 1st day of said interviews Tokyo suffers a horrendous earthquake and as they take cover, they soon discover…Read More
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