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by Decade

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A Los Angeles police chase sends a fame-obsessed man on a wild ride to save his girlfriend from a cybernetic terror.…Read More
A documentary by two desperate young filmmakers who stumble upon the ultimate subject, a 33 year old cannibalistic serial killer named Anthony McAllister, who has agreed to let them document every asp…Read More
A parapsychologist team are asked to investigate Apartment 143. The White family, who have lost their wife/mother in a car crash, have been experiencing strange things since they moved in to the apart…Read More
A High School Filmmaker documents his solo journey from Colorado to L. A. in search of the serial killer responsible for the murder of his girlfriend. The film intermixes home footage, real time clips…Read More
A young filmmaker documents his ghost-hunting, reality show friends as their routine investigation of an abandoned orphanage turns into a nightmare from which they can't escape.…Read More
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