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by Decade

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A team of Vatican investigators descends upon a church in a remote area to demystify the unusual happenings, but what they discover is more disturbing than they had first imagined.…Read More
A couple are given a camera and a set of instructions which they must follow or else someone will die.…Read More
Five young people apply to live in an isolated house together for six months whilst their every move is filmed by numerous cameras. Each has their reason for wanting to be there - fame, money, adventu…Read More
In the fall of 1976, a small psychology lab in Pennsylvania became the unwitting home to the only government-confirmed case of possession. The U.S. military assumed control of the lab under orders of …Read More
The astronauts William Xu, Rosa Dasque, Dr. Daniel Luxembourg, Dr. Katya Petrovna, Andrei Blok and James Corrigan travel to the moon of Jupiter known as Europa in the spacecraft Europa One. Their assi…Read More
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