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by Decade

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In the vast wilderness of the Klamath National Forest lies the small logging community of 'Happy Camp'. With a population consisting of only a few hundred souls, this mysterious mountain town has beco…Read More
The Ghost Dimension, follows a new family, The Fleeges - father Ryan (Chris J. Murray), mother Emily (Brit Shaw) and their young daughter Leila (Ivy George) - Who move into a house and discover a vide…Read More
In hope of getting his hands on the famed diamond known as the Codix Stone, Jack Wells joins a group of archaeologists out to explore a newly discovered tomb in Egypt, that of the cursed king Neferu. …Read More
Bristling with equipment, two enthusiastic local access cable TV producers recruit an assistant and venture into a forest in search of the mythical and horrifying Jersey Devil. Days later, only one of…Read More
This 'found-footage' film is set in 2009 in the town of Chesapeake Bay in Maryland where something has infected the water there. But it's not 100% known what it is or how it is transmitted. But when p…Read More
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