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by Decade

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Michael King (Shane Johnson), who doesn't believe in God or the Devil. Following the sudden death of his wife, Michael decides to make his next film about the search for the existence of the supernatu…Read More
While video chatting one night, six high school friends receive a Skype message from a classmate who killed herself exactly one year ago. At first they think it's a prank, but when the girl starts rev…Read More
When a group of friends come across an abandoned house in the barren desert, what follows is a terrifying tale of evil possession causing the friends to slowly turn against each other.…Read More
In 2007 author Phillip Muirhouse was left alone in a haunted homestead called 'Monte Cristo'. He was there making a documentary that was to accompany his latest book. He also broke the rule of all gho…Read More
Focuses on two television crews of paranormal experts: one team of skeptics looking to de-bunk myths about ghosts and another consisting of believers looking to prove their existence. Teaming up for t…Read More
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