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Found Footage Critic

“Laughing Lexi” has gone missing. As the tale unfolds, the story of what really happened becomes stranger than fiction.…Read More
In this fictional documentary, a man achieves notoriety for his ability to look and act like anyone he meets. With his unique talent for mimicry, Zelig (Woody Allen) ingratiates himself with people fr…Read More
A cameraman helping to shoot an indie film suddenly finds himself wandering a liminal space.…Read More
Aspiring documentarian Donny Wunder stumbles across an unsolved murder and sets out to make the next true-crime hit. Woefully unprepared but unwilling to give up, Donny creates a spectacular failure.…Read More
Michael Andrews gets a message from his brother Roy, it's about the Thomas Miller Tapes. He watches the tapes and then strange things begin happening to him.…Read More