Slaughterhouse Series
The Slaughterhouse Series is a collection of found footage films hearkening from Brazil and are written and directed by Carlos Junior. The films in the series follow groups of fr…Read More
Jennifer Series
The Jennifer series is a quickly growing collection of found footage comedy/horror movies spawned from the mind of James Cullen Bressack. The first film in the series follows a man obs…Read More
V/H/S Series
The V/H/S series is the first found footage horror anthology and first found footage franchise based on an anthology. Each film in the series contains several found footage short films ti…Read More
Video X Series
The Video X Series is a collection of found footage films from the United States that were directed by James D. Mortellaro and written by Steve Longmuir and James D. Mortellaro. The fil…Read More
Found Footage Movie Series
The found footage genre consists of hundreds of feature films, shorts, and web series. Among the feature films are a sizable number of found footage film franchises. Som…Read More
Found footage film where serial killer Wayne Montgomery was inadvertently "outed" in December 2006, after DNA evidence linked him and his wife Andrea to a series of brutal unsolved murders in the smal…Read More
Examining the startling, never-before-seen video evidence of aquatic hominids that has come forward since the documentary MERMAIDS: THE BODY FOUND first aired in 2012, with the original whistle blower…Read More