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found footage trailer

Buenos Aires doesn’t exist. Neither does Paris. It’s all part of a plan by The Corroborators, a late 19th century secret society from Buenos Aires that is still alive.…Read More
A group of paranormal investigators grabs their last chance at creating a successful TV show. They embark on an adventure in a small ancient town and quickly discover it holds some very large and dark…Read More
Fearing an unseen threat in their woods, and facing ridicule by the local media, the small town of Farr appoints a makeshift Monster Defense Team to investigate and remedy the bizarre situation.…Read More
An apparition of a man caught on candid video. Producer Lee Min-hyung thinks there is a reason for a ghost to have appeared on candid camera video. He goes to a motel to investigate further, realizing…Read More
Danny was set to be rich with his new crypto currency until he was caught hacking, finding himself and his girlfriend on a hit list.…Read More
An ambitious film director, Mr. Gang, brings his crew to an abandoned factory, which is reputed to be one of the most haunted places in northern China, to shoot a horror film. Mr. Gang ignores all com…Read More
A young director disgusted by the financing system of the movie industry decides to shoot a movie made from live scenes without any financial support in order to denounce the difficulties to achieve a…Read More
South African Spook Hunter Matty Vans hires a film crew to document his paranormal ghost hunting business. Just as they tire of following him around to find no evidence of the paranormal, he receives …Read More
A local TV crew is shooting a documentary about paranormal events and phenomena in the outskirts of a desolate provincial landscape in the south of Spain. After an out-ward journey meeting people in d…Read More
Commissioned by a mysterious international collector with a large sum of money, a party makes an expedition to find the tomb of Kisaeng Wolhyang.…Read More