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In 2008, a local film crew was making a documentary about the New Hampshire State Police searching for the notorious "Video Killer".…Read More
Bong's disturbingly humorous mockumentary traces the downward spiral of an unemployed 31 year-old man as he is captured on Seoul's omnipresent CCTVs and observation cameras.…Read More
A French series that became a cult sensation, in trying to treat supernatural phenomena such as ghosts and witches with a documentary style approach.…Read More
A psychopath kidnaps astronauts who plan on becoming the first immigrants on Mars and forces them to help him make a horror film and kills and eats them all after filming.…Read More
For over a year, an anonymous man who refers to himself simply as Rudy S. sends video-recorded "letters" to the hostess of a yoga-instruction program at his local public-access TV station in the hope …Read More