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Baikal. An amazingly beautiful lake, a unique creation of nature, crystal clear water. Probably everyone has heard about the deepest lake on our planet. One evening, a UFO crash occurs in the sky over…Read More
A man caught up in the glamor of being a Hollywood celebrity has no idea that the production he's in is a fake.…Read More
In 2015, four Dutch students disappeared in the forests of the Northern Netherlands. Their bodies have never been found.…Read More
Iva is a girl who receives a small digital video camera for her fourteenth birthday. Delighted by her new toy, the girl immediately starts taping everything around her, recording a series of events su…Read More
A yoga-practicing, chai latte drinking, incense burning rich girl hires a camera crew to document her journey to enlightenment as she attempts to attain nirvana and shed her ego. She embarks on a path…Read More