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When former child actor, Benjamin Caldwell, is recognized by his new neighbor, the lines between friend and fan are blurred, turning his number one fan into his number one nightmare.…Read More
For over a year, an anonymous man who refers to himself simply as Rudy S. sends video-recorded "letters" to the hostess of a yoga-instruction program at his local public-access TV station in the hope …Read More
A young man in Romania goes to shocking extremes to convince Hollywood actress Anne Hathaway to star in his film.…Read More
After mysteriously receiving the camera at the end of DV2, the brother of James soon finds himself becoming obsessed with how his sibling died. After going through the DV footage, his life unravels un…Read More
The Flower Tapes is a psychological found-footage thriller about a heart-stricken man who copes with his spiraling life by creating a video diary, only to capture his own torment by the deranged sadis…Read More
A story of four childhood friends who mysteriously disappeared while camping in the rural mountains of Trans Ili Alatau. The following events were recorded on Sultan's videocamera, who was making his …Read More