"Boots on the Ground" is a 2017 film written and directed by Louis Melville. The story centers on a group of British soldiers torn apart by greed and demonic forces as they try to survive the last nig…Read More
One year after Pohjola Manor incident in Finland, the Masked Man is back again.…Read More
A filmmaker investigates his abandoned childhood home Pohjola Manor in Northern Finland. The old house has a sorted history, including stories of ghosts and other paranormal events.…Read More
Found footage film following Karla Marks, who mysteriously vanishes while conducting a paranormal investigation with her husband into the Devil's Well, an underground location reported to be a gateway…Read More
In October 2013, a group of filmmakers set out to film a horror movie in Mount Nabi located in the Chubu region of Japan. The group of eight filmmakers were later found dead. Many of the investigators…Read More
"Leaving D.C." is a found footage horror movie directed by, written by, and starring Josh Criss. The film follows a Washington D.C. resident who moves to an isolated house in rural West Virginia, only…Read More