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Shaky Cam

Mockumentary with re-enactment footage of an alien being interviewed by government officials.…Read More
Ami, a high school girl who is about to graduate, feels the presence of her dead sister when she dies of a food allergy. Ami consults with her psychic, attempts to communicate with her sister's ghost,…Read More
Two university students working on a media project uncover a mysterious book which leads them down a path towards something far more sinister than they could have imagined.…Read More
In the summer of 2010, University of Wyoming graduate students and roommates, Craig Zolecki, and Gus Wormley disappeared without a trace. In the weeks prior, they documented a very annoying phenomenon…Read More
They call it the Devil's Cave because according to legend, many people have entered and have not been seen again. Some attribute it to murderers hiding inside, others to alien beings and a few to the …Read More