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A man recalls the story of how his bees implanted in him a bee television, causing him to lose all perception of space, time, and self in the deserts of the American West.…Read More
In the 1990s, a long time TV host from the Azores Islands comes to terms with his career's end in a turbulent fashion.…Read More
A satirical mockumentary and highly influential telivised hoax trying to prove the conspiracy theory that Vladimir Lenin had consumed large quantities of psychedelic mushrooms and eventually became a …Read More
TV Sci-fi drama, which caused world-wide headlines when first broadcast as it purported to show a link between Britain's 'brain-drain', climate change and a human colony on Mars.…Read More
A young man, attempting to watch a VHS tape of "Love Streams" by John Cassavetes on his television, is constantly harassed and annoyed by outside forces.…Read More