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A look into the daily (or rather, nightly) lives of four vampires, who've lived together for over 100 years, on Staten Island.…Read More
Interview with a Goth takes the viewer deep in to the Gothic world. In the middle of production something happens that puts the film crew in the centre of the film.…Read More
Over 300,000 individuals are reported missing every year. Only a handful of them are ever found. Amateur filmmaker Joseph Hopkins is still one of the missing. To help tell his story his family have al…Read More
After visiting Graceland, a Freedom of Information Act request is made for US government files on Elvis Presley. Incredibly, documents arrived from the FBI revealing an address for Federal Agent Jon B…Read More
An analog horror anthology series about an alien invasion attempting to do something to Earth, all connecting to the series' main antagonist, The Iris, a large, living rogue planet that resembles an e…Read More
Family tensions between a brother and sister with psychic powers threaten to tear apart the filming of an episode of a paranormal reality TV show. But simmering emotions may be the least of the crew's…Read More
A pair of happy-go-lucky siblings, left alone while their parents recover from an illness, play a series of pranks on each other. The game becomes nightmarish when they realize something sinister is w…Read More
A young vlogger goes missing in the forests of Russia after he tires to make a movie about the Siberian Bigfoot legend.…Read More
A VHS tape provided to the Postelsky Police Department by an unknown third party, that features an unnamed man's psychotic descent into serial murder.…Read More
In 1937, renowned archaeologist Indiana Jones was captured by his greatest enemies, the Nazis. Held prisoner in a remote bunker, "Indy" became the subject of a new initiative by Adolf Hitler, to inter…Read More