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by Decade

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A film student who is obsessed with the movie Grave Encounters sets out with his friends to visit the psychiatric hospital depicted in the original film.…Read More
Accompanied by a cameraman, four friends go into the deep forests of Poland to shoot a documentary about their hobby: Geocaching, a modern form of treasure hunting.…Read More
When a group of misfits is hired by an unknown third party to burglarize a desolate house and acquire a rare VHS tape, they discover more found footage than they bargained for.…Read More
To celebrate the centenary of WW1, a TV Documentary team travels to the Somme to put together a ratings smash about new mysteries relating to the famous battle. However, what they unearth is far from …Read More
Three friends film a documentary about Joanna Toy, a woman convicted of witchcraft 400 years ago in the town of Terrassa, Spain. In 1619, six women were accused of witchcraft. Five were hanged after b…Read More
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