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A documentary filmmaker follows two homicide detectives as they track down a voyeuristic serial killer.…Read More
Mockumentary of two incompetent filmmakers and their pursuit in making "the best B-Movie ever."…Read More
A filmmaker lands on Mars in 2045. How could he make a film in a land where he has no memory of? “Home… Far away from home”, he recalls faces of people, distant from their origin, thus a collection of…Read More
The grisly legacy of filmmaker Karl Atticus lives on in the minds of those who knew him, and in the souls of those who have come to admire his films...but delving into his sordid past comes with a ter…Read More
A comedy director has come up with an idea of breaking through his common filmmaking take by shooting a short film about how his grandmother would have spent on the New Year’s day, crews recruited, th…Read More