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flying saucer

“The Gracefield Incident” is found footage horror film and science fiction drama that was written and directed by Mathieu Ratthe. The film follows a group of friends who embark on a weekend getaway in…Read More
“Alien Abduction” is a found footage film and horror movie directed by Matty Beckerman and written by Robert Lewis. The film follows the Morris family on a camping trip to Brown Mountain when they wit…Read More
Found footage film and mockumentary where while filming in southern Nevada, a television crew discovers a terrifying truth lurking beneath the waters of Lake Mead, only a stone's throw away from Area …Read More
"Phoenix Forgotten" is a found footage film written by T.S. Nowlin, directed by Justin Barber, and produced by Ridley Scott. The film follows a documentary filmmaker who finds lost footage of her brot…Read More
Since the dawn of civilization, stories have been passed down about visitors from other worlds. With the proliferation of mass media, reports of extraterrestrial visitors have only increased in freque…Read More
Listen to our exclusive interview of Justin Barber, director of the new Ridley Scott produced found footage film Phoenix Forgotten (2017). This new found footage films is based on the Phoenix Lights …Read More
In the spring of 1997, several residents of Phoenix, Arizona claimed to witness mysterious lights in the sky. This phenomenon, which became known as "The Phoenix Lights," remains the most famous UFO s…Read More
We have an exclusive interview with Justin Barber, the director of the upcoming Ridley Scott-produced found footage film, Phoenix Forgotten. That’s right, we’ve navigated through the maze of governmen…Read More