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found footage films

Examining the startling, never-before-seen video evidence of aquatic hominids that has come forward since the documentary MERMAIDS: THE BODY FOUND first aired in 2012, with the original whistle blower…Read More
We discuss CREEP 2, UNFRIENDED 2, Found Footage, Blumhouse Tilt, upcoming Blumhouse projects, and lots more!…Read More
This week we interview special guest Gregory Burkart, Senior Staff writer at We discuss an amazing array of topics including:'s place in the Blumhouse universe; the next b…Read More
Thursday March 13th, 1997 marks the date of the Phoenix Lights, the largest mass UFO sighting in US History. The night of the incident, four Phoenix residents vanished in the Estrella Mountain Nationa…Read More
The On Vous Ment, Mockumentary Film Festival, in France is back for its second year! The overwhelming success of the festival's inaugural launch during spring 2016 ensured this year's reprisal. Entrie…Read More