"The Rake" is a found footage short film written and directed by Kenneth Collins that delves into the Rake, a legendary creature that is now an integral part of the Slender Man mythos. The film follow…Read More
Unfriended Series
The Unfriended Series is produced by Blumhouse and distributed through Universal Pictures. The films explore the consequences of cyberbullying through the lens of a supernatural horr…Read More
Listen to our exclusive interview of Justin Barber, director of the new Ridley Scott produced found footage film Phoenix Forgotten (2017). This new found footage films is based on the Phoenix Lights …Read More
In the spring of 1997, several residents of Phoenix, Arizona claimed to witness mysterious lights in the sky. This phenomenon, which became known as "The Phoenix Lights," remains the most famous UFO s…Read More
We have an exclusive interview with Justin Barber, the director of the upcoming Ridley Scott-produced found footage film, Phoenix Forgotten. That’s right, we’ve navigated through the maze of governmen…Read More
"Basement" is a found footage film from Germany that is written and directed by and starring Thomas Grieser (a.k.a. Tom Maurader). The film is shot with spoken German and English subtitles. Basement f…Read More
Three aspiring filmmakers travel to a remote village to shoot a documentary about a mysterious outbreak of the plague. The Government declared the town to a restricted area and rumors a spreading that…Read More
Found footage film where the star of the Youtube series, The Haunting of Sunshine Girl, embarks on a new adventure with her best pal, Nolan and a new sidekick Andrew. They head to Portland, Oregon in …Read More
Found footage film where a group of friends gather for a Memorial Day celebration, when the Earth is violently attacked by someone...or something...from regions beyond. This exciting character-driven …Read More