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houses october built

On October 1st, Hell House LLC fans were rewarded for their patience with the release of the Hell House LLC: Director's Cut DVD. This special edition of Hell House LLC is a DVD-only release assembled …Read More
“The Houses October Built 2” is a found footage horror film directed by Bobby Roe and Written by Zack Andrews and Bobby Roe. The film is the long-awaited sequel to the wildly popular The Houses Octobe…Read More
Found footage film following the aftermath of five friends who were abducted on Halloween while traveled the country in search of the most extreme haunted-houses.In the sequel, the group recover from …Read More
Fans of The Houses October Built (2014) can plan on celebrating Halloween five weeks early this year. The minds behind the hit Halloween found footage film set a release date for the long-awaited sequ…Read More
Found footage fans and Halloween haunt enthusiasts were graced with Hell House LLC, a found footage film and runaway hit covering the weeks leading up to the opening night of a haunted house attractio…Read More
"The Houses October Built" is a found footage horror movie directed by Bobby Roe and written by Bobby Roe and Zack Andrew. The film follows a group of five friends who search the country for the most …Read More
The Houses October Built Series The Houses October Built series is a found footage film series directed by Bobby Roe. The films follow a group of five friends who travel around the country in search o…Read More
It's that time of year again! The leaves are turning color, there's a chill in the air, and the smell of fear is upon us—Halloween is approaching! This year the Found Footage Critic staff writers each…Read More