Karine and Octave, a couple, move into the house of Octave's deceased grandmother, in the Creuse department. Comfort is minimal and Karine doesn't like it, but Octave, very attached to his family heri…Read More
On October 31, 2008 the hit paranormal show "Mysterious Hauntings" held a contest at the infamous Bailey House. The rules were simple. Stay at the house for a week and win a grand prize. What happened…Read More
A year after the events of Tayna Slendermena (2013) Sergey goes hiking in the Grand Canyon of Crimea with a small group. The further in the forest the group goes, the more evident it becomes that Slen…Read More
After their bus broke down two friends, Sergey and Oksana, go into the woods, where they plan to reside in the cabin of Sergey's friend. Suddenly a monster starts to haunt them. A monster, which goes …Read More