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Lower Saxony’s most hardcore punk band faces off against the forces of evil summoned by their town’s elites.…Read More
The riot grrrl movement is back-or maybe it never went away? New-ager and former front-woman of the 90s band Vulveeta, Grrrilda Beausoleil is getting the band back together in time for her 50th birthd…Read More
Members of a television crew stumble across the story of an old man whose tragic tale dates back to 1981 during upheavals in Morocco, where he was arrested. Released 30 years later in 2011, he is now …Read More
As a story structure, it reminds a postmodern novel: fragmented, plot-less and on first view: chaotic. Individual pieces can be rearranged and each one has its own life. In terms of genre, the film st…Read More