From the creative mind of the award-winning director, Todd Douglas Bailey, comes a thrilling tale of three young filmmakers on a quest to shoot an investigative documentary about an old upstate New York mansion that has been vacant since 1929...the question is why? Are you brave enough to follow the filmmakers to answer that question?
Release Year: 2008Genre: Horror, Mockumentary, ParanormalPlot Setting: Abandoned HouseCamera Type: CamcorderFilming Reason: Capture Proof, Document Event, MockumentaryDirector: Todd Douglas BaileyWriter: Todd Douglas BaileyCast: Darcie Hughes, John Derr, Lisa Lynn Vulovich, Matthew Faulisi, Paul Hamblin, Randy Phillips, Renata Stiehl, Sarah Sheridan, Scott Cook, Tim Hughes, Tina Field Howe, Tobias MotykaCountry: USALanguage: EnglishRuntime: 82 minRegion: North AmericaFilm Type: FeatureMovie Title: Moretti House (2008)