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by Budget

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Top 10 Found Footage Films (by Budget)

Search for the most popular found footage films by budget. Please note that films without a published budget will not display on this page.
As such, this “Top-10″ list only includes found footage films with a published budget value. [showcase widget_title=”Top 10 Films (by Budget)” post_types=”page” format=”blog-vertical” orderby=”site_rating” filter=”enabled” filter_cats=”1″ per_page=”10″ large_image_width=”1280″ large_image_height=”720″ small_image_width=”200″ small_image_height=”113″ small_excerpt_length=”100″ large_meta_date=”1″ large_meta_comment_count=”1″ large_meta_views=”1″ large_meta_followers=”1″ large_meta_cats=”1″ large_meta_hub_cats=”1″ large_meta_hub_fields=”1″ large_meta_hub_award=”1″ small_meta_date=”1″ small_meta_comment_count=”1″ small_meta_views=”1″ small_meta_followers=”1″ small_meta_cats=”1″ small_meta_hub_cats=”1″ small_meta_hub_fields=”1″ small_meta_hub_award=”1″ display_large_site_rating=”1″ display_small_site_rating=”1″ large_read_more_link=”enabled” small_read_more_link=”enabled” page_numbers=”enabled” cats=”hub films” filter_cats_id=”budget-range”]

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