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by Decade

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After years of exorcising haunted houses, realtor Susan Price finally finds her dream home - until the spirits she's evicted return, threatening to make it her final resting place. Now, she must banis…Read More
Follow the journey of Inspector Jaydev Sinh Solanki, trying to solve Case 19: Vichchhiya - involving a group of people who went missing in the jungle under mysterious circumstances.…Read More
A loving father's obsession with recording family memories takes a sinister turn as his home videos reveal a dark presence threatening to destroy everything he holds dear.…Read More
Two cameras determined to be of the famed urban explorer Blight leave details of an incredible disappearance in a long-abandoned chemical factory that took the lives of dozens of employees a decade ea…Read More
The Doctor is unmasked as she collects the souls from the paranormal short stories told during a global pandemic.…Read More
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