In January, 1996 Unsolved Mysteries featured a story on landowner Bert Wall's 'real-life' interactions with the spirits that roamed the Devil's Backbone. Nearly twenty years later, Wall passed away...leaving behind only fragmented tales of an inexplicable terror to those that knew him best.
Release Year: 2015Genre: Evil Spirit, Ghost, Horror, Mockumentary, ParanormalPlot Setting: TBD (Pending Review)Camera Type: Camcorder, Head Mounted Camera, Professional CameraFilming Reason: Capture Proof, Document Event, MockumentaryDirector: Jake Wade WallWriter: Jake Wade WallCast: Alexandria Fierz, Arnold Krammer, Avery Atchley, B.C. Wall, Charles Greer, Charlie Beatty, Chock Woodruff, Corey Ramseur, Corry McSpadden, Daniel Gordon, David Z. Roberts, Debra Bro, Dusty Trungale, Haley Buckner, Helen Ferguson, J.R. Flournoy, Jack Glover, Jake Wade Wall, James Carrington, Janice Spence, Jared Hagy, Jodi Bianca Wise, Knox Potter, Marilyn Baxter, Michaela Beach, Rick Fergunson, Savannah Atchley, Sterling Griffith, Thomas JaramilloCountry: USALanguage: EnglishRuntime: 80 minRegion: North AmericaFilm Type: FeatureMovie Title: Devil's Backbone: Texas (2015)