A mockumentary examining the December 2nd, 1999 assassination of Microsoft CEO Bill Gates in Los Angeles, and the group of key players seeking to unravel the mystery of his alleged assassin as well as the circumstances surrounding his death.
Release Year: 2002Genre: Crime, Drama, Mockumentary, Murder, Violent CrimesPlot Setting: VariousCamera Type: CamcorderFilming Reason: MockumentaryDirector: Brian FlemmingWriter: Brian FlemmingCast: Brian Savage, Dave James, Douglas Glazer, Etana Jacobson, Jennifer Lauren, Juan Canopii, Keythe Farley, Laurie Pike, Mark Daniel Cade, Phillip Anthony Traylor, Sarah Stanely, Steve Sires, Steve Wilcox, Valerie GordonCountry: USALanguage: EnglishRuntime: 82 minRegion: North AmericaFilm Type: FeatureMovie Title: Nothing So Strange (2002)