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Evil Sprit

Second installment of the Tokyo Videos of Horror collection. Psychic, occult, grotesque, violence, madness, and psychotic... Introducing terrifying, shocking, and taboo images of video that cameras ca…Read More
Dennis Rosen disappeared on September 19th, 2020, while filming an episode for his urban exploration channel. He was exploring Darkbluff, Maryland, a town that authorities found was abandoned during t…Read More
On Halloween night 2004, a film crew enters an abandoned asylum to shoot a documentary. The following morning one of their crew members has gone missing.…Read More
An indie documentary crew travels to a small town to document a bizarre and seemingly unnatural case, ending in extreme tragedy.…Read More
A group of friends are trying to make a fake horror video to put online. But unbeknownst to them, real paranormal events begins to create an ultimate havoc, putting their lives in imminent danger.…Read More