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found footage movies

February 2017 marks the 8th annual Women in Horror month, celebrating the women in front of and behind the cameras making great horror. Horror as a whole remains a genre dominated by male filmmakers a…Read More
Paranormal Entity Series The Paranormal Entity series is a collection of movies from Asylum that were rebranded under a new name (Paranormal Investigations) for distribution in the UK. The films are c…Read More
Raw Series Raw is a German-made found footage horror trilogy that was written and directed by Marcel Walz. The series follows the investigations into the legend of Grete Müller, a woman convicted of w…Read More
The Ghost Footage Series The Ghost Footage series follows main character Jason Greenwood who experiences paranormal activity in his apartment. Despite moving to a new apartment (in the sequel), the st…Read More
This week we interview special guest Gregory Burkart, Senior Staff writer at We discuss an amazing array of topics including:'s place in the Blumhouse universe; the next b…Read More
While fan support has been overwhelmingly positive, most surprising is the outpouring of support from the horror community, especially horror-related websites and support through social media, particu…Read More
The Blair Witch Petition: Signatures 2,000 to 2,339 Below are the signatures and comments collected to date for The Blair Witch Petition. Main Petition Page Results: Statistics Signatures 1 to …Read More
The Blair Witch Petition: Signatures 1,000 to 1,999 Below are the signatures and comments collected to date for The Blair Witch Petition. Main Petition Page Results: Statistics Signatures 1 to …Read More
The Blair Witch Petition: Signatures 1 to 999 Below are the signatures and comments collected to date for The Blair Witch Petition. Main Petition Page Results: Statistics Signatures 1 to 999 …Read More