Akira Tanaka, a young and attractive but emotionally damaged Japanese woman, moves to the United States to escape a past marked by tragedy. She moves in with her sister, Hana, and her new husband, Ada…Read More
A struggling filmmaker realizes that the skill set needed to make a movie is the same to commit the perfect murder.…Read More
On Halloween night 2004, a film crew enters an abandoned asylum to shoot a documentary. The following morning one of their crew members has gone missing.…Read More
A film archivist goes back to revisit the story of Rustin Parr. He was a hermit thought to have murdered seven children while possessed by the spirit of a witch. But is he guilty? A companion piece to…Read More
When Eddie and his friends decide to take their cameras into the woods to debunk the legend of Blood Moon River, they soon realize that they may have bitten off more than they can chew. After searchin…Read More