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As a story structure, it reminds a postmodern novel: fragmented, plot-less and on first view: chaotic. Individual pieces can be rearranged and each one has its own life. In terms of genre, the film st…Read More
A group of filmmakers, conspiracy theorists and paranormal investigators search for the infamous cult known as the Friends of Hecate in Clapham Woods, Sussex.…Read More
A psychic mockumentary based on true stories, including psychic photographs based on posts, introductions of psychic spots, and drama reproductions of horror experiences. Follow the mysteries unique t…Read More
In the 1990s, a long time TV host from the Azores Islands comes to terms with his career's end in a turbulent fashion.…Read More
Mitsukuni Daisō, a popular comedian in Kansai, becomes a reporter. Suddenly, a mysterious unidentified creature is reflected in the camera while shooting a location for a food walk-in program.…Read More