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Four male and female friends gathered at an abandoned house to play Kokuri-san.…Read More
Acclaimed Moscow theatre director (Alexander Molochnikov) and several famous artists (Eugeny Stychkin, Maxim Matveev, Aglaya Tarasova, Kristina Asmus etc.) are forced to rehearse a new play remotely. …Read More
A young man under house arrest and his friends are haunted by an unknown force after logging onto a website that broadcasts images from a haunted room.…Read More
Boyz in the Wood follows two Asian cousins post lockdown, as they attempt to make a documentary about big cats in the UK countryside - a plan that they hope will solve their financial woes and catapul…Read More
Strange things are happening in present day Japan. Fake Documentary "Q" blends found footage and alternate reality premises to present a disturbing vision of a paranormal world lurking underneath day-…Read More