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Time Traveler

A frustrated inventor dreams of winning a prestigious award for young inventors, and beating his obnoxious rival, except nothing he creates works.…Read More
Based on the previous 'Final Chapter', world history has now been modified and reconstructed. Although Kudo was able to release himself from the curse caused by demon soldiers, he now has no money. De…Read More
Eighteen months have gone by and Kudo and Ichikawa are still lost in a parallel universe. When they vanished, a mysterious giant appeared above the sky in Shinjuku.…Read More
A World War One soldier accidentally time travels to present day Los Angeles. Filthy, penniless, with no way to prove his identity, he struggles to find a way back to his wife in 1918.…Read More
An incompetent time traveler must team up with his unpredictable alternate self, to fix a paradox which is now slowly destroying the universe.…Read More