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Found Footage Film Reviews

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Found Footage Film Reviews

Welcome to our found footage film reviews page. This is the best place to find comprehensive, unbiased, objective reviews of found footage horror films. We take pride in providing honest and fair reviews of all found footage movies. Learn more about how we define, critique, and rate found footage films: Browse our complete found footage horror film database here. Use our “Advanced Film Search” option here to find your top found footage films by genre, camera type, filming reason, director, budget, continent, country, and a whole lot more! Browse movie trailers for found footage films here. For more reviews check out our catalog of Found Footage Files Podcast episodes. Browse our complete found footage horror film database and use our Advanced Film Search option to find your top found footage films by genre, camera type, filming reason, director, budget, continent, country, and a whole lot more! And don’t forget to watch our library of found footage movie trailers!

Browse Found Footage Horror Film Reviews

“House with 100 Eyes” is a found footage horror film written by Jim Roof and directed by Jay Lee and Jim Roof. The film follows a disturbed couple who lure unsuspecting victims into their home to serv…Read More
"Hunting the Legend" is a found footage horror film released in 2014 and written and directed by Justin Steeley. The film follows the son of a deer hunter who is seeking revenge on the creature that k…Read More
“Nightmare Code” is a sci-fi/horror found footage film written and directed by Mark Netter. The film is shot entirely from the perspective of an artificial intelligence system spying on its programmer…Read More
Europa Report is a sci-fi/thriller found footage film produced in 2013, directed by Sebastián Cordero, and written by Philip Gelatt. The film follows an international crew of astronauts on a privately…Read More
REEL is a found footage horror film written and directed by the mysteriously named SlasherVictim666. Adding to the intrigue, REEL features “real life” found footage video critic Todd Smith, who you ca…Read More
“Descent into Darkness: My European Nightmare” est un film de docufiction en found footage dirigé par Rafael Cherkaski, suivant le modèle d’un documentaire dans le processus de réalisation. Il s’agit …Read More
“Classroom 6” is a found footage horror film written and directed by Jonas Odenheimer, which follows a television crew that spends the night locked inside a school rumored to be haunted. The televisio…Read More
Bodom is a found footage horror film released in 2014 and is written and directed by Gergö Elekes and József Gallai. The film has the distinction of being the first feature length found footage film p…Read More
“2 Jennifer” is a found footage horror/comedy written by James Cullen Bressack and Hunter Johnson and directed by Hunter Johnson. The film follows the character Spencer, a not-quite-sane director who …Read More
“To Jennifer” is a found footage comedy/horror film written and directed by James Cullen Bressack that follows the exploits of three friends filming their adventure to track down and confront a girlfr…Read More
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