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Archival Footage

What if you were making a documentary about a gang of serial killers and they found out?…Read More
After visiting Graceland, a Freedom of Information Act request is made for US government files on Elvis Presley. Incredibly, documents arrived from the FBI revealing an address for Federal Agent Jon B…Read More
Inspired by the real-life story of the South Korean director kidnapped in the 70's to invigorate the North Korean film industry, the film follows Yoon Jung Lee, a young video artist invited to work at…Read More
Buenos Aires doesn’t exist. Neither does Paris. It’s all part of a plan by The Corroborators, a late 19th century secret society from Buenos Aires that is still alive.…Read More
Mockumentary about a producer who attempts to reunite the cast and crew of the horror B-movie, "Curse of the Jackalope", for a 10-year reunion screening.…Read More