"Blair Witch" is a 2016 found footage horror film directed by Adam Wingard and written by Simon Barrett. The film is the much-anticipated sequel to the classic found footage film, The Blair Witch Proj…Read More
Oren Peli and Eduardo Sanchéz: Paranormal Activity and The Blair Witch Project
The Blair Witch Project (1999) and Paranormal Actitivty (2007) are arguably two of the most influential films to grace th…Read More
This week we are honored to have special guests EDUARDO SÁNCHEZ and OREN PELI, two creative minds that were instrumental in defining the modern found footage film phenomena. The Blair Witch Project (1…Read More
Found footage films by their very nature are intended to look like genuine recovered footage. So, what do we call a recently discovered found footage web series that was lost amidst the passage of tim…Read More
Losers by day -- ghost hunters by night. From the garage of his unapproving mother's home, Ken Livingston leads a team of supernatural investigators in a search for truth, justice, and poltergeists. I…Read More
This week's episode of Found Footage Files Podcast featured special guest Eduardo Sánchez, co-creator of The Blair Witch Project (1999) and executive producer of the much-anticipated sequel, Blair Wit…Read More
On this week's episode of Found Footage Files Podcast we featured special guest Eduardo Sánchez, co-creator of The Blair Witch Project (1999) and executive producer of the much-anticipated sequel, Bla…Read More
Fans of The Blair Witch Project (1999) were privy to an exciting announcement, the upcoming release of a third film in the franchise title Blair Witch (2016). To maintain secrecy, the film had a worki…Read More
THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT is a found footage horror film written and directed by Eduardo Sánchez and Daniel Myrick. Released in 1999, The Blair Witch Project is considered by many as the pivotal film th…Read More