Thirteenth installment of the Tokyo Videos of Horror franchise. Psychic, occult, grotesque, violence, madness, and psychotic… Introducing terrifying, shocking, and taboo images of video that cameras c…Read More
Twelfth installment of the Tokyo Videos of Horror franchise. Psychic, occult, grotesque, violence, madness, and psychotic… Introducing terrifying, shocking, and taboo images of video that cameras caug…Read More
Fifth file in the Kôji Shiraishi mockumentary video series, "Senritsu Kaiki File Kowasugi!". From the team's previous work, director Kudo is now convinced of the existence of parallel universes. But n…Read More
When three film school students participate in an underground treasure hunt called “13 candles” taking place in an abandoned hospital from the 1800th century, they soon find themselves trapped in hell…Read More
Silviu and Alexandra want to spent their summer holidays away from the big city, in their favorite personal family cabin. The last thing they suspect is having someone watching them during their usual…Read More