Fifth file in the Kôji Shiraishi mockumentary video series, "Senritsu Kaiki File Kowasugi!". From the team's previous work, director Kudo is now convinced of the existence of parallel universes. But n…Read More
A criminal gossip magazine receives a video tape from Japan's most notorious criminal rapist, the "Hyper Villain" Shouhei Eno. On the tape, Eno reveals himself and proclaims he has raped 107 girls in …Read More
A video recently posted shows something popping out of a closed toilet. Before the school was closed, rumors of "Hanako-san in the toilet" were whispered at the school, and now the interview team will…Read More
A new posted video was delivered to Ichikawa. A couple fishing in a pond captured a strange creature that emerged from the surface of the water.…Read More
Eleventh installment of the Tokyo Videos of Horror franchise. Psychic, occult, grotesque, violence, madness, and psychotic… Introducing terrifying, shocking, and taboo images of video that cameras cau…Read More