A mockumentary about the actor Linus Wahlgren, the youngest member of the Swedish celebrity family Wahlgren. Linus reputation in Sweden is a little like Paris Hiltons, but without the money. A well ac…Read More
Set in a parallel Britain in which the death penalty has been re-introduced, this drama sees the trial of Gary Glitter for his true crimes committed in Vietnam.…Read More
In a Dystopian Israel of the near future, a young man brutally rapes young women in the streets, videotapes the deeds and uploads the recordings to the Darknet. After encountering a past victim and de…Read More
After a cabin trip to devil’s punchbowl goes tragically wrong, one college student is set on a path to uncover a dark brainwashing conspiracy behind his group of friends.…Read More
In 2008, a local film crew was making a documentary about the New Hampshire State Police searching for the notorious "Video Killer".…Read More