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Images that seem to be ghosts accidentally captured by video cameras and "psychic documentaries" that pursue mysterious phenomena are widely available in the world and have established themselves as a…Read More
The film takes the form of a TV documentary, and tells the story of a missing person, Samantha Jackson. One of Sam’s friends discovers fragments of a video diary she had been making as a secret realit…Read More
A 1990's set sequel and continuation to WNUF Halloween Special (2013), depicting how media has consumed the populace.…Read More
A French series that became a cult sensation, in trying to treat supernatural phenomena such as ghosts and witches with a documentary style approach.…Read More
Lager lout and philosopher Paul Calf records his video diary over New Years Eve and New Years Day. Accompanied by his friends Fat Bob and Roland and his sister Pauline, he staggers through two days of…Read More