In 2009, the small town of Cohasset, Massachusetts was rocked with tragedy. A 17-year-old high school senior named Collin Mason murdered three classmates. All the murders were videotaped and uploaded to the Internet via bit torrent sites and for three days, the world viewed the murders of these three innocent teens. Through legal action, the parents of the victims were able to remove all footage from the Internet and the town tried to save face by pretending it never happened. Bootleg copies of this footage are still passed around and downloaded through illegal means. The impact of this video is still being felt in Cohasset today. The video has become infamous, and is now referred to as The Cohasset Snuff Film.
Release Year: 2012Genre: Horror, Murder, Violent CrimesPlot Setting: HouseCamera Type: CamcorderFilming Reason: TBD (Pending Review)Director: Edward PaysonWriter: Darnell J. Taylor, Edward PaysonCast: Alana Craft, Amra Ricketts, Armando Yearwood Jr., Aromee Kim, Becky T. Bordo, Bill Shafer, Caleb McAlpin, Chad Addison, Christina Desiere, Daniel Button, Darrell Stanton, Debby Gerber, Holly Silva, Jaclyn Holtzman, Jaquelyn Fabian, Jason Inman, Jessie Spartano, Joanne O'Kennedy, Jonathan Turcotte, Jordan Elizabeth, Karl Zahn, Karrie Whitfield, Kat Johnston, Kathy S. Yamamoto, Kelly Marie Tran, Kevin A. McCarthy, Maria Olsen, Rachel Speth, Richard Miraan, Rick Dumont, Sara Gonzalez, Sarah Perino, Stanley Marsh, Stephen Marrero, Stephen Wu, Steven Nicholas Smith, Stu Berg, Thomas R. Persing, Tiffani OhnemusCountry: USALanguage: EnglishRuntime: 85 min.Region: North AmericaFilm Type: FeatureMovie Title: Cohasset Snuff Film (2012)