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found footage films

A man spends 6 days alone while his wife is out of town. What he soon discovers will change his life forever.…Read More
Tells the story of Jennifer, an 18-year-old girl who was kidnapped with the intention of making a snuff documentary with her.…Read More
A reality TV crew are making a programme, 'Ghost TV' about the haunted buildings that are the ruins of Seacliff Lunatic Asylum. One of the crew is emotionally unstable and when she discovers that she …Read More
The brave new world of remoteness has created a new creature, the man of the era of self-isolation, and has given rise to amazing stories that would hardly have happened under other circumstances. Ent…Read More
A group of alienated 20-somethings use the money they earn making karaoke videos to commit acts of terrorism in the name of nihilism.…Read More