A mockumentary revolving around the attempts of an artist to reflect, through a strange documentary, the presence of foreign students in the city of Barcelona. Mi loco Erasmus reflects the process of a creator who wishes to make his dream come true: to complete the project, which is moving further and further away from reality. The problem is that he doesn’t have the money to do it and no one understands the documentary, and only a friend seems willing to help him.
Release Year: 2012Genre: Comedy, MockumentaryPlot Setting: Car, House, Office Building, VariousCamera Type: Phone, Professional CameraFilming Reason: Filming Movie, MockumentaryDirector: Carlo PadialWriter: Carlo Padial, Carlos de Diego, Didac AlcarazCast: Alexa Angel, Carlos Vermut, Daniel Neale, Dídac Alcaraz, Edgar Lledó, Esteban Navarro, Giorgio Welov, Isabel Ximénez de Embún, Javier Ruiz, Joan Moreno, Luis Felipe González de Lemus, Mabel Ximénez de Embún, Manolo Giménez, Maria Volovik, Miguel Noguera, Òscar Andreu, Òscar Dalmau, Sergi Bernal, Suwen ChenCountry: SpainLanguage: SpanishRuntime: 82 minRegion: EuropeFilm Type: FeatureMovie Title: Mi Loco Erasmus (2012), My Crazy Erasmus (2012)